I’m obsessed with co-op games. I’m especially keen to play games which are couch co-op.
I admit it could just be a consequence of nostalgia for me. I fondly remember going over to my friends’ house to play the newest Guitar Hero, get wrecked in NFL Street, and play some good old split-screen COD 4.
Despite my obvious attachment, I still believe there are some objective reasons why cooperative titles are poised to present some of the best experiences for gamers.
Playing through a game with friends is just fun. Not only are you getting an amazing gaming experience, but you get to do it with someone who you value. At least for me, doing anything with a select couple of friends adds to my experience.
Video games are a good way for me to bond with friends who are geographically far away. When I get to share an experience with them through a game and talk via Discord they feel much closer.
Although not true of every co-op game, many have a good story. One game that immediately comes to my mind is Portal 2.
I have fond memories of playing through this game with my several of my friends. Aside from the laughs we had, usually at “accidentally” killing one another, the story was actually compelling. I enjoyed the story and opportunity to throw my friend into electrified water.
We were the last hope for the center after Glados had been restored to power. It was our mission to ensure that the cryo-frozen humans were found. Science needed to be done after all.
Throughout the various puzzles, we gradually learned a bit more about our task and were treated to Glados’ occasionally salty wit. Glados’ comments, and are subsequent banter in response, made the experience that much better.
There are some days where I don’t feel like being flamed. In co-op games, I can usually choose my gaming partner. This allows me a higher level of control of my experience for that particular session.
When I choose my friends correctly, this allows me to settle into an engrossing story with a fun partner. In my mind, there are few things as relaxing as experiencing a narrative I get to shape with a good friend by my side.
Wrapping Up
Co-op games are my favorite. When a good one comes along it allows me to combine my two favorite things, a good story, and great company. I’m always searching for the next cooperative title which will let me spend more time with my friends.
Although I know the days of couch co-op are mostly dead and gone, I still yearn for them. I long for the closeness these games brought. More importantly, I yearn for human connection.
Co-op games feel like one of the easiest ways for me to connect. Instead of 5000 other people, I can focus on the handful of friends that are along for the ride with me. We’re also not restricted by geography if the game is online.
I feel more human and less guilty when I play co-op based games.